Ornaments add visual pleasure to your outdoor space. These details reflect your personality as well as personal taste. They not only add the beauty of your yard but also define your identity. We have a wide variety of special ornaments such as bird feeders, bird baths, sundials, urns, sculptures as well as special lanterns, posts, caps, copings, benches and spheres. We will incorporate your selections into your outdoor living world.

Lotus water basin
Avon, Connecticut

Marble Mary and child statue
Avon, Connecticut

Japanese stone lantern
Avon, Connecticut

Japaneses stone lantern
Avon, Connecticut

Stone finals on the column
Guilford, Connecticut

Stone sphere fountain
Avon, Connecticut

Bird house and bird feeder
Avon, Connecticut

Stone art and lantern in flower field
Avon, Connecticut

Buddha statue in meditation garden
Avon, Connecticut

Bird feeder, stone water basin and sphere
Avon, Connecticut

Stone element
Simsbury, Connecticut

Stone sculpture in a garden
Avon, Connectikcut

Horse statue for a horse farm
Middlebury, Connecticut

Horse sculptures in the garden
Middlebury, Connecticut

Cairn variation of stone art by Artistic Outdoors
Avon, Connecticut

Bronze statue in water garden
Colebrook, Connecticut

Solar light and granite post
Glastonbury, Connecticut